Adrian Codirlașu


CFA România

Adrian Codirlașu is a professional with over 20 years of experience in the financial system. He holds the CFA certification from 2006 and the title Doctor of Economics with specialization in international finance.
Adrian has over 7 years experience as a Risk Director and 5 years as a Senior Options Dealer in the banking system and is an Associate Professor at the School of Banking Finance – DOFIN, where he teaches subjects such as financial markets and risk management. For the last 10 years Adrian has been a member of the CFA Romania Steering Committee and President of this Association between 2009 and 2011. Since December 2015, Adrian is the President of CFA Romania. Between 2011-2013 Adrian was the President of the Association of Financial and Banking Analysts in Romania. Adrian also held the position of Senior Economist in the research department of the National Bank of Romania for almost 6 years.

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